For Special Children

The Children’s Adventure Farm Trust provides activities for terminally ill, disabled and disadvantaged children from all over the North West. The needs of the children visiting The Adventure Farm range from complex and severe physical and learning disabilities, through to Young Carers, bereaved siblings and children who have been victims of abuse. Each child is treated as an individual with their own strengths, likes and dislikes, disability is never seen as a barrier to participation. We welcome children from all social and ethnic groups.


Why is our work so important?

We believe that all children, regardless of age, ability or social circumstance, have the right to play in a safe environment. For many children, this is not possible in their daily environment. A break at The Adventure Farm gives them a fantastic opportunity to escape the traumas of their everyday life and simply become children again. Here at CAFT we give these children the opportunity to improve the quality of their lives, recognise their potential and achieve their goals. We show the children and young people that there is a world outside of the world they live in, giving them something to aim for, giving them hope.


A Magical, Special Place

The Adventure Farm is based at the beautiful Booth Bank Farm. We pride ourselves on creating a warm, friendly and welcoming environment, a real home from home. Our Resources include: Sports Hall Conference Room, Multi-Sensory Suite, Respite Care Facility, Adventure Playground, Barbeque Area, Music Room, Art Room, Junior Assault Course, Nature Trail, Games Room, Sensory Garden.


What we can achieve

The Adventure Farm is a lifeline to children who are in desperate need. We pride ourselves in bringing a little light and fun into the lives of children who have known terrible hardships at such an early age. We have a range of programmes to offer, each suitable for children of all ages, abilities and backgrounds.

These include:

  • Free Holiday Programme – Free holidays offered to groups of up to 26 (including Care Staff); Respite Care Programme – Bespoke respite breaks for children with complex and severe disabilities, suitable for groups of up to 8, or individual children with their families;
  • Activity Days – Day trips to The Adventure Farm for groups of any size;
  • Christmas Party Programme – Magical Christmas Parties catering for over 1200 children each year.


…what our users have said…

I took a group to The Adventure Farm and can honestly say it was the best experience in their lives. They went as classmates and left as true friends. The children’s medical conditions and prognosis means that many of them may not live to reach adulthood, or may have very few opportunities in their adult futures once they leave school. The Adventure Farm gives them the chance to build memories, share good times and have a common experience that they relish.”

The benefits to the children, both short and longer-term, were very evident. The bereaved youngsters were able to talk freely about their experiences of death of a sibling, and in particular, were able to commemorate their loved ones in beautiful surroundings. The longer-term benefit was that the group wanted to meet up again, and I was able to provide a longer-standing period of emotional support through group work at the hospice.”


To learn more contact CAFT via their website or phone 01565 830 053